Thursday, August 2, 2018


Activities are conceived and prepared for arrangements. A large number of kinds of activities still present in the Persolusan hue on this planet. Everything except nothing and nothing for an answer for a superior bearing than previously, in this session is just about reasonable and flexible financial power. 

As usual, the vitality and interest of the most recent ventures. Its name is additionally new, obviously everything is as yet smooth and troublesome despite the most recent innovation. In this lovely new undertaking Bit Bose, he has been putting forth uplifting news to the individuals who need to go along with him. 

You have to realize that BitBose with your stage is available to make a total decentralized managing an account arrangement. Its reality won't just disturb the typical keeping money structure, yet will likewise offer venture openings in view of innovation blocka around ethereum. 

BitBose is extremely a cool and promising undertaking. Particularly on the off chance that it is identified with a token issue. that the significance of this task is to have its own particular token, known as BOSE or Token Bose. This is the utility token and the base money of the BitBose stage itself in light of ERC20. Sisitem exchanges are not just "Cepan" and straightforward, with "Blockchain ethereum shared" that can devour a little niasa.
Tokenomi's Summary
Name Token - BOSE 
Website - / Offer 
Type - Token 
Sale of Tokens - 300,000,000 
Accepted Currencies - BTC, ETH, FIAT 
Token ERC20 - SIM 
Soft Cap - US $ 5 million 
Hard Cap - US $ 45 million
BitBose incorporates the accompanying three parts:

• BitBose Exchange • BitBose


• BitBose Smart Portfolio

These three parts are completely coordinated with the administration stage.

At the point when a member purchases the BOSE (Token Platform), it naturally turns into an individual from BitBose Bank.

The primary element of banks is the capacity to allot advances to qualified candidates. In a standard bank, the advance supervisor surveys who needs the credit, as per the evaluation. This technique is self-assertive and subject to blunders.

BitBose utilizes man-made brainpower, which keeps on gaining from machine learning as a credit administrator.

Man-made brainpower inspects the likelihood of customers who need an advance. By law, a client who needs a credit will be incorporated into a trust positioning, which will decide the most extreme sum that he can use as an advance.

AI guarantees that lone the most solid individual gets the credit. As guarantee, the borrower must present piece of his or her property as security.

Critical highlights of BitBose

Bose Token is the proverb of the BitBose stage in view of ERC20 utilizing blockchain ethereum, which implies the speediest and most straightforward exchange with low commissions. - Investment Banking Solutions This stage offers restrictive managing an account speculation arrangements, for example, Portfolio Funds, Crypto Loans, Mining Rewards Program.

Shrewd cross breed exchanging answers for exchanging and installments.

Our special speculation arrangement is intended to keep up sufficient liquidity through exchanging various guardian and cryptographic monetary standards, which at first look converts into current scholarly exchanging and present day installment arrangements.

The group is comprised of world-class designers, brokers, money related consultants and blockchain specialists.

Bose Token Fully consistent with all standards, Complilance, KYC and AML.

At present, you can purchase your token in PRESALE with 40%

Cryptography/Fiat Finance

In the confirmation of software engineers' decency, BitBose's Crypto Loans program is permitted to finance in/fiat encryption, keeping in its encryption on the BitBose stage.

Advance application and simple advance, moment endorsement and no credit check. Procure cash specifically credited to your financial balance.

Focused loan fee without introductory charges. Keep your notoriety and appreciate money related flexibility. Moreover, there is no capital lockup since you can pull back your advantages whenever.

For more details:
Website -
White paper -
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My Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1839483

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