Sunday, July 29, 2018


KuBitX is a brought together digital money trade. Building the most progressive and hearty Trade motors, a standout amongst the most secure, most quick and strong stage today. Established by a Team of result driven experts working in the best fortune 500 organizations and one of the "sizably voluminous four" counseling firms. Right now, laying all the substrata and linkages to center the KuBitX trade as a movement to open up selection and monetary incorporation for the developing markets.

This diversion transmuting stage won't simply be another expense producer, in truth all exchanging charges will be paid using our token. We will never charge expenses in different digital currencies except if the utilizer doesn't have our token which will be easy to get in our trade. We are here to give straightforward housing to our clients; never bargaining the respectability of clients' information.

KuBitX is a progressive trade venture which is gone for doing much more than most trades offer today. As of now with weighty bank associations to address center issues in most developing markets. The undertaking was considered and started in Q4 2017 with a group of all round experts from Dell, Huawei Technologies, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Google, BP Oil, Amazon Web Accommodations (AWS), MTN and so on who have demonstrated track records in their individual fields.

 The venture is at 80% culmination with a MVP exchange motor that has ability to do deal with more than 12 Million+ exchanges for each second with around 40 nanosecond inertness. Our motor is also outfitted with incredible consistence design executes to check all non-objection exercises and in this manner make us the most favored and secure trade on the planet.

KuBitX anticipates beginning a private round of Token Generation Events. The KBX token is as of now being used in Zimbabwe as the trade had cooperated with a bank in the southern African nation. The bank intends to use it for their more than two million clients for all their computerized value-based exercises

Anchored Wallet:

Contained inside the KuBitX biological community are the KuBitX Trade motors, the protected KuBitX wallets, and a progressed Admin dashboard for controlling the exercises inside the Trade Exchange.

Secure cool stockpiling with chilly wallet administration Cryptocurrency Security Standard (CCSS).

Outsider security line by line code review.

Protection of on the web/hot wallets.

Multi-Firewall Protection.

DDoS counteractive action.

OWASP Top 10 Compliant.

Broadened Validation SSL Certificate.

Kubitx will just be the most prevailing trade later on with its highlights.

Ecumenical Ambassador:

The Ambassador program is vital to entering, understanding and catching the neighborhood developing markets. An inventive offering like KuBitX won't be comprehended and embraced without drawing in with individuals locally in every district. It won't be sufficient to run conventional adverts, friendly media or computerized advertising procedures. In the objective markets, teaching/carefulness engenderment by territorial individuals will create the substructure for understanding the Blockchain innovation, cryptographic forms of money and the contributions of KuBitX.

In arrangement to dispatch this venture we have a developing number of Ecumenical Channel Ambassadors (16 right now) from North America, Asia, Europe and particularly Africa. This improvement, over the long haul, will benefit bring illumination and reception of all blockchain resources and tokens.

We apperceive the objective for credible uses in the business and this has been calculated into KuBitX Ecumenical Channel Ambassador show, which is our arrangement to use real innovation doters domiciled in their sundry effective reaches and can give grassroots illumination and help to clients of the stage together with auspicious direct client bolster. This is only one of numerous organizations that the X-factor KuBitX group will send to oblige crypto exchanging doters and aficionados.

Token Details:

KuBitX will issue an adjusted supply of 500,000,000 KuBitcoin (KBX) tokens which are predicated on the ERC-20 standard. The explanations behind winnowing ERC-20 tokens are the present nature of the market with this standard in addition to the solidness of Ethereum Blockchain.

For more details:

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My Bitcointalk profile link -;u=1839483

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