Thursday, May 31, 2018


Firstly I want to talk about the existence of this project.. is a biological community for commentators, experts and endeavors far and wide, prepared and associated by a square chain. On January 15, 2018, the undertaking was formally propelled with the occasion of producing tokens in Switzerland.
The fundamental thought of ​​ is that it will utilize the invariance of the piece anchor to guarantee the most extreme conceivable straightforwardness in the audit business. After the survey has been added to the piece chain, it can not be changed. will likewise have an impetus framework that urges specialists to give audits on particular items or administrations.
The stage is planned for brokers, clients and "colleagues". Partners are specialists who survey particular items in return for tokens. All in all, Lina views itself as the "up and coming age" of the audit business.
Lina is not just a website but a platform based on Blockchain so that everyone can build their own review system to develop communities and manage their own businesses. All review channels based on Lina are connected worldwide. is the platform to review Blockchain, which uses the blockchain's immutability to produce the best possible transparency and create conditions for reviewers to benefit from providing quality reviews, as well as interacting easily and directly with users and suppliers of products or totally insecure services

How does function?
Lina gives surveys and appraisals in view of blockchain innovation This is a blockbased stage where everybody can make their own audit framework.
The stage is gone for taking care of issues with an advanced online audit framework, including untrustworthy records from paid reviews or organization's own representatives, and also expanded interest for client criticism than client contributions.
Here's the manner by which every one of the three sides of merchants, partners and clients will interface with the stage:
As a dealer, you can make your item to view on the stage. Dealers can likewise control the quantity of audits required for the battle.
Specialists on the stage are called "collaborators". Associates must be affirmed by the chairman. Subsequent to review items or administrations, the colleague will get a critical segment of the promoting income or enlistment expense in the battle.
Clients can look for item data utilizing the Lina stage.
Highlights LINA
Lina features the majority of the accompanying highlights:
Audits and appraisals on the stage are totally straightforward, and clients can check all information on the stage.
Assessment and rating are decentralized, which implies that it can not be faked or controlled by an outsider.

Particular criteria:
Lina displayed an arrangement of criteria for analysts. These criteria can be connected to in excess of 20 stores, from mechanical items to therapeutic administrations.

Adapting capacity:
Commentators and aides (specialists) can acquire LINA tokens in light of the nature of their commitment, as the group says.

Half breed engineering:
Lina acquaints a half breed approach with engineering, conquering any hindrance between general society arrange Ethereum (mainnet) and the elite versatile private exchange exchanges with the side chain.
A substantial system of aides:
Lina has officially accumulated a system of experts from everywhere throughout the world. This people group keeps on developing, as more experienced clients are pulled in to this stage.

What issues does Lina attempt to tackle?
Lina endeavors to take care of huge issues in the cutting edge industry of audits, including the majority of the accompanying:
Absence of unwavering quality of surveys and assessments. Endeavors were gotten for what they paid for the best audits on Yelp. MetaCritic and RottenTomatoes have been portrayed as "on a very basic level imperfect" since they join a wide range of audit frameworks into one self-assertive rating scale. A 3-star survey from one analyst may mean not the same as a 3-star audit from another.
Trouble in finding and contrasting rating frameworks. Today in various ventures there are a wide range of rating frameworks. These frameworks will scatter, which makes it troublesome for clients to scan for surveys and look for exact data.
Absence of institutionalized criteria for each subject. Some survey frameworks are as straightforward as the item appraising "great" or "terrible". Other rating frameworks are profoundly submerged in item criteria. As specified above, Lina will have 20 unique criteria for every item.
It is normal that ICO will last from January 15 to March 28, 2018. 300 million Tokens are sold at a cost of 1 US dollar for every token. Indeed, intends to raise $ 300 million through its offer of tokens, making it one of the biggest ICOs to date. 33.3% of LINA tokens made amid the age of the token will be assigned for the offer of tokens. The staying 67% will be obstructed for discharge inside 10 years.
There is an aggregate load of 900,000,000 LINA tokens.
Who is behind Lina?
Pioneers of Lina are situated in Switzerland, New Zealand and Vietnam. The key individuals from the group are Mitchell Pham and Leigh Flounders. These are just two groups recorded in the Lina's 

declaration line.
In any case, different individuals from the group are spoken to on the official site, including Greg (Zvi) Kushnir (prime supporter), Vu Truong Sa (fellow benefactor), Mark Pascall (specialized guide) and Paul Salisbury (specialized counselor).
The organization has arranged an alpha discharge for October 2018, and the main open discharge will happen towards the finish of the year. is a piece arranged audit stage, whose objective is to make a solitary, constant and dependable wellspring of data about different items and administrations. The stage isn't made arrangements for open discharge until the finish of 2018. Nonetheless, the organization has just propelled the Lina Rating application on the Google Play Store, which enables clients to vote on the criteria that will be looked into in 6 subjects.
At this junction below are links that will show you how forward this project has planned to grow via their road map and other information’s you crave to know


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