Friday, November 23, 2018


welcome to all of you, I need to quickly clarify an undertaking called "BITEHTER" the greater part of us has been questioning about some task believing isn't genuine... I would present a brilliant undertaking that would be gainful to every last cryptoenthusiast, for example, Bitether. presently for me to go further I would prompt you for somewhat looking on the simple video to get more understanding about this incredible endeavor.
The vast majority of the universe of digital money innovation, for example, Bitcoin depends on the type of databases with the benefits of having the capacity to track substantial and safe exchange volumes. The innovation utilized by numerous computerized monetary standards is Blockchain.
Blockchain was first executed in 2009, and was changed with Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. The Blockchain innovation comprises of obstructs that hold exchanges, where each square is interconnected through cryptography, in this manner shaping a system.
Alongside the advancement of the computerized universe, cryptocurring later on has turned into an undeniably alluring suggestion in the market and might not have conventional keeping money framework. Some creating nations on the planet have even executed Blockchain-based national monetary standards, for example, Bitcoin, and the innovation is likewise utilized by a few huge philanthropy ventures to enable the individuals who to don't have financial balances.
Blockchain additionally can possibly be utilized outside the extent of computerized monetary forms, and pulls in numerous customary money related organizations to be received
Prior to talking about points of interest of such innovation, digital forms of money must be disclosed to the peruser. Following in suit with Bitcoin and Blockchain, there is dependably somebody hoping to improve an innovation. This pattern can be found since forever - beginning from the wheel, the car, to the specific gadget you perused this content on the present moment. Digital currencies are no special case. A cryptographic money is a computerized resource that is intended to function as a mode of trade, utilizing cryptography and blockchain record innovation to do as such. Bitcoin, tormented with moderate and unrealistic exchange speed, as well as extensive charges has missed the mark.
These issues, among different deficiencies, have took into consideration the creation and selection of thousands of different digital currencies.
Ethereum has made a biological system where everything cooperates consistently utilizing tokens to control the system. Ethereum based tokens permits trades, crypto wallets, and keen contracts to know ahead of time how any new tokens will cooperate on the framework. Due to its ability for keen contracts — and other confounded figuring limits — Ethereum is seen as more dexterous, versatile and stable. Because of its unwavering quality and the development of decentralized applications (dapps) we felt the Ethereum stage was a coherent decision. Consequently, we have arranged and made our very own computerized crypto token named "Bitether".
Bitether eSolutions Pvt. Ltd. was set up in India as a formal, non-benefit association in 2017 by Bitether group. The Bitether's essential objective is to make Bitether (BTR) a mind boggling Payment Gateway for on the web and disconnected clients till 2025.
"Bitether BTR - The primary installment arrangement"
Bitether is opening another time of cryptofinance for the Internet of Values. By participating with money related foundations, digital money organizations, outsider application designers, the scholarly world and the more extensive cryptographic money network, BTR is building an expansive fund biological system on the blockchain. In this manner, our point is to make Bitether (BTR) a mind blowing Payment Gateway for on the web and disconnected clients till 2025.
Our client are our most noteworthy resource. We trust in saddling their aggregate qualities to convey quality items to our locale. Our group has ability in blockchain, profound tech and AI. We likewise have devoted concentration in programming designing, item advancement, legitimate and consistence, network administration and the sky is the limit from there.
Bitether's central goal is to improve the web based shopping knowledge and through it enable individuals to spare the one thing that can not be purchased - time. Take Bitether (BTR) into the rundown of best exchanged digital forms of money on the planet till 2020. Make Bitether (BTR) most significant digital currency in term of market capitalization. Bitether will endeavor to offer straightforward and secure exchanges, and help bring digital currencies into standard.
"Bitether (BTR) is a splendid case of the genuine utilization of blockchain innovation, and additionally offering a gigantic lift for crypto showcase liquidity particularly for organizations."
Bitether is opening another time of cryptofinance for the Internet of Values. By participating with monetary foundations, cryptographic money organizations, outsider application engineers, the scholarly community and the more extensive digital money network, BTR is building an expansive back biological community on the blockchain. Along these lines, our point is to make Bitether (BTR) a staggering Payment Gateway for on the web and disconnected clients till 2025.
And also coordinated into the majority of the internet business stages, Bitether eSolution Pvt. Ltd. means to dispatch its new organizations where you can utilize BTR as an installment token.
The portion of aggregate Bitether (BTR) tokens is the accompanying: The aggregate supply is 550.000.000 BTR and this is bolted constrained supply
Great news!! You can purchase/offer BTR with different digital forms of money. There are alternatives to trade Bitcoin and Ethereum for BTR on cryptographic money trades, for example, Mercatox(, DDEX( and EINAX( BTR is accessible to be bought straightforwardly with fiat money. Here is the trade that furnish the alternative to purchase BTR with monetary forms (USD) Altilly(
with the following details provided you can rock on with this project, please endeavors to visit the links provided below and to know about this wonderful venture remember you can participate in our bounty campaign to get rewarded for the task done. Note that bitether is listed on the coinmarketcap:
Token Name ===== Bitether
Token Symbol ==== BTR
1 BTR =========== 0.00000038BTC
Total Supply ===== 550,000,000
There are much more to be merited from this wonderful platform, i think bitether is one of the best project going on so far, there are much problem which most project are facing today. and the problem is "not listed in any exchange"
for more details:

Excalibur OS


Exalibur Operating System, takes care of the issue of mining, since it has a worked in mining control work, so the client can utilize digital currency all alone, and furthermore tackles the issue of infections and information burglary with his novel strategy for information security and the organization takes care of the second difficult issue of clients of the framework, in which clients would now be able to utilize the application for various stages on Excalibur, which implies that the application records from the fundamental OS will be bolstered by the Excalibur working framework. 

The Exalibur Operating System additionally has a Blockchain Based Mining Management System include in which the client can include their own token content. 

Why We pick ERC20 Platform 

We utilize ERC20 Platform as ERC20 is a specialized standard utilized for shrewd contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. By investigating a fast development of Ethereum we pick ERC20 dependent on Ethereum Platform as our stage to dispatch our XOS token. 

Ethereum utilizes an unpredictable information structure called a Merkle Patricia Tree to store a tree of program states, taking into consideration fast change and confirmation of the different states required to execute an ICO. Rather than just containing an exchange record, the Ethereum blockchain's different program states takes into consideration the execution of brilliant contracts that consequently figure the quantity of assets raised, check and affirm exchanges, and disperse new tokens upon the fulfillment of the crowdsale.
Benefits are the rewards to token holders who have invested in our Business Model or on Tokens. We’ll be providing different type of benefit to token holders that are described below
Market Price of ICO will be increasing in near future, which will be a benefit for token holders as per the point of view of trading.
Operating System BETA Version will be initially be launched for Token Holders in 1st Quarter of 2019.
Mining Management would be very easy by Excalibur OS.
No more expensive fees for Antivirus.
Tokens can be sold internationally over the internet
Tokens have a liquidity premium (>1000X improvement in time-to-liquidity)
Transparency of use of funds, an escrow can be used to verify how the funds are being spent after the ICO
Early contributors will have more liquidity in early stage companies
Early access to a token which has the potential for rapid capital growth
Contributors are usually the first users of the token – thus unlike holding a stock of a company whose products a contributor never used, ironically our tokens can be more tangible than securities
• Highly multi-threaded in a process-like environment
• Completely asynchronous I/O model
• Thread-based scheduling
• Unified management of kernel data structures, kernel references, user references (handles), namespace, synchronization objects, resource charging, crossprocess sharing
• Centralized ACL-based security reference monitor
• Configuration store decoupled from a file system
• EXOS (aka ‘the kernel’)
(a) Kernel layer (abstracts the CPU)
(b) Executive layer (OS kernel functions)
• Drivers (kernel-mode extension model)
(1) Interface to devices
(2) Implement file system, storage, networking
(3) New kernel services
• HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
(1) Hides Chipset/BIOS details
(2) Allows EXOS and drivers to run unchanged
ICO Detail
Start ( Pre ICO )
Sep 3, 2018 (8:00AM IST)
End ( Pre ICO )
Nov 3, 2018
Number of tokens for sale
2,000,000,000 XOS
Tokens exchange rate
1 USD = 100 XOS Tokens
Acceptable currencies
Minimal transaction amount
100 USD
Bonus & Refferal
Bonus & Refferal
PRE ICO: 200,000,000
ICO: 1,800,000,000
(Image not shown due to low ratings)
2014, Q-4
Project Idea Was Proposed
2015, Q-1
The Team Was Build & Development Of Excalibur OS Was Started
2015, Q-4
Kernal Development Was Finished In The Month Of October
2016, Q-1
User Interface Got Ready In February.
2016 Q-2
Virus Protection System For Excalibur OS Was Built.
2016, Q-3
Team Started working on Majon Part i.e. All Platforms Power in a Single Platform.
2017, Q-3
Platform Development Was Finished
2018, Q-1
Mining Management System Development Was Started
2018, Q-2
Excalibur OS Got Official Existence.
2018, Q-3
PRE ICO In September 2018
2018, Q-4
ICO, & Testing on BETA Version
2019, Q-1
BETA Version of Excalibur OS will be releasing & token will be available for trading
2019, Q-3
BETA Version With Artificial Intelligence (AI) like SIRI & Cortana
2019, Q-4
The BETA Version with Next Update will be launched that is Virtual Reality.
Suraj singh bisht
Founder & CEO Excalibur OS
Neeraj Pal Singh Karakoti
Co-Founder & Senior Developer
Anmol agarwal
COO & Front-End Desktop Apps Architect & C ++
Dr. Sanjay agarwal
Desktop & Embedded Software Developer
Kavita gariya
Chief Scientific Developer
Sajal manglik
Mining Management & Node. js Developer
Faheem ahamad
CMO & System Developer
Dr. Sartaj hussain
Test Automation & Security Analyst
Brijita solanki
Mining Management & PHP Developer
Trilok singh
Mining Management & Node. js Developer
Giovanni Casagrande
ICO Expert at ICO Bench (among Top 30)
Giacomo arcaro
ICObench Expert & ICO Advisor
Sydney ifergan
CMO | Crypto & ICO Community Expert | FX Consultant | Digital Marketing Specialist | ICO Advisor
Andrew chung
Cryptocurrency Trader and Investor
Tinh tran
Communications Manager & Board Advisor
Nozomu nakazato
JCM-Japan Crypto Marketing – ICO project adviser
MJ Paul
ICO Expert & ICO Advisor
For more informations , visit :

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